The 'Monumental' Costs of Large-Scale Litigation: Insights from the Santos-Fluor Dispute

A recent case in the Supreme Court of Queensland between Santos Limited and Fluor Australia Pty Ltd (Santos Limited v Fluor Australia Pty Ltd & Anor [2023] QSC 77) provides a clear picture of the financial scale associated with large-scale litigation.

The case centres around a dispute over alleged overpayments made by Santos to Fluor during a coal-seam gas project construction between 2011 and 2014.

Santos alleges overpayments to Fluor. Before initiating proceedings, Santos conducted a year-long investigation into these alleged overpayments​.

The court referred questions arising on pleadings to 3 referees. Hearings were heard before the referees between November 2021 and August 2022. The referees submitted a draft report on 7 March 2023 and allowed parties to make further written and oral submissions in April 2023​.

The sheer magnitude of this litigation is evident in the resources invested. Santos reported expending over 120,000 solicitor hours, $36.5 million in expert fees, $21 million in counsel fees, and $2.5 million in other costs. The scale of the litigation extended beyond financials, with the parties disclosing over 5.7 million documents, 14 experts producing 81 expert reports, and 90 lay witnesses providing 178 witness statements.

The Judge noted that the parties are “engaged in litigation on a monumental scale”, marked by numerous interlocutory disputes and appeals.

The Defendants applied to stay the conduct of the reference (to the Referees) until further order, presumably until the hearing and determination of the substantive application. In his reasons given for dismissing the application, the Judge stated that the costs associated with finalising the referee report were likely to be "relatively insignificant in the scheme of this litigation."

The Santos-Fluor dispute underscores the complexity and cost that can be associated with litigating large resource and infrastructure projects. As this case continues to unfold, it serves as a stark reminder of the potential financial implications of such large-scale disputes.
