Statistics on the small number of cases that go to trial in WA

Perth Lawyer Richard Graham

It is very interesting to get statistics about how only a small number of cases actually go to trial.

In the Department of Justice's Annual Report 2015/2016 the raw numbers are published for the Supreme Court of Western Australia and the District Court of Western Australia.

Only 51 civil cases went to trial in the Supreme Court, out of 2,964 cases that were finalised.

This means 98.25 % of cases were settled / discontinued etc and only 1.75 % went to trial.

Only 50 civil cases went to trial in the District Court, out of 4,948 cases that were finalised. 

This means 98.99 % of cases were settled / discontinued etc and only 1.01 % went to trial.

Similar statistics are not available online for the Magistrates Court of WA.

I have put together this spreadsheet, showing more detail.


