Caveat disputes

Perth Lawyer Richard Graham

Almost always, there is an urgency to a caveat dispute.

It is important to hire someone who has dealt with caveat disputes before.

If you are the person who has lodged a caveat on the title, you will receive a letter from the Registrar of Titles (Landgate), letting you know that you have a 21-day window of time in which to get a Supreme Court order for the extension of the operation of the caveat.

This means that any delay in the lawyer not being able to: 

  • quickly call upon previous documents drafted on previous matters, and

  • being immediately familiar with the applicable law,

could be costly, both in terms of legal bills, but also lost time.

Not only is there the need to act within time, but any time spent getting up to speed with the law and becoming familiar with the documents that are required, is less time spent thinking about the issues and getting to grips with what the Court needs to know specifically in this instance.

We have dealt with these applications many times before. We are able to quickly call upon documents used in previous matters as precedent documents.

Our experience gives us the insight into the relevant questions to ask you and how to quickly, and in a cost efficient way, get across the matter.

We also know how best to liaise with the staff at the Court to get an urgent hearing.

We do not have to hire a barrister, which can add to delay and duplication of costs, because we are personally experienced at doing this work as barristers in Court.
