
Understanding Section 43 of the Guardianship and Administration Act in Western Australia

Perth Guardianship Lawyer Richard Graham

As a guardianship lawyer in Western Australia, I regularly consider section 43 of the Guardianship and Administration Act when assessing how to best advocate for my clients.

This section is crucial when it comes to making guardianship orders for adults who need assistance in their personal affairs.

In this blog post, we will explore section 43 and how it is applied in light of the recent decision GG [2021] WASAT 133.

Section 43 - Making of Guardianship Order

According to section 43(1) of the Guardianship and Administration Act, the State Administrative Tribunal can make a guardianship order if it is satisfied that a person:

a) has attained the age of 18 years;

b) meets at least one of the following criteria:

i) is incapable of looking after their own health and safety;

ii) is unable to make reasonable judgments in respect of matters relating to their person; or

iii) is in need of oversight, care or control in the interests of their own health and safety or for the protection of others.

Section 43(1) must be read together with section 4 of the Act, which contains various presumptions about a person's capacity. In particular, section 4(3)(c) presumes that a person is capable of managing their own affairs.

The Nature and Operation of Section 43(1)(b)

In the case of GG [2021] WASAT 133, the Tribunal analysed the nature and operation of section 43(1)(b).

It was noted that this section deals with the question of capacity in a global sense, rather than focusing on the ability to make specific decisions.

Each of the three criteria in section 43(1)(b) has a distinct meaning and application, and they must be read together.

The first criterion (i) is concerned with a person's functional incapacity, specifically their inability to look after their own health and safety.

The second criterion (ii) focuses on an inability to make reasonable judgments, pertaining to any or all matters relating to the person.

The third criterion (iii) refers to a need for oversight, care or control.

Assessing a Person's Capacity

In GG [2021] WASAT 133, the Tribunal provided guidance on assessing a person's capacity to make reasonable judgments about matters relating to their person.

This assessment should be:

a) conducted on both an objective and subjective basis;

b) based on the particular personal needs and decisions that the person may be called upon to make; and

c) evaluated in light of whether the person has the ability to understand, retain, and weigh up relevant information, appreciate the consequences of their decisions, and implement those decisions.

Meaning and Application of the Third Criterion in Section 43(1)(b)(iii)

The meaning and application of the third criterion in section 43(1)(b)(iii) of the Guardianship and Administration Act has been the subject of differing interpretations in previous Tribunal decisions.

In particular, two cases - G [2017] WASAT 108 and KRM [2017] WASAT 135 - presented contrasting views on whether the criterion could stand on its own or if it required overcoming the presumption of capability first.

The GG [2021] WASAT 133 decision offered clarity on the interpretation of this specific criterion.

In the GG [2021] WASAT 133 decision, the Tribunal clarified the interpretation of the third criterion in section 43(1)(b)(iii). The decision emphasised that each of the three criteria should not be construed in isolation, and the context of the Act should be taken into consideration. The Tribunal determined that the term "need" in the third criterion should be understood as reflective of the incapacity of a person to manage their own affairs, and therefore, it should not be viewed as a self-standing ground for intervention.

The GG [2021] WASAT 133 decision further expounded on the third criterion, stating that the need for oversight, care, or control is directed towards a person's functional incapacity. This means that the focus should be on a person's inability to be self-directed, exercise control, and make decisions about their own care or avoid putting others at risk. The decision also highlighted that the language of the provision is widely cast, addressing the consequences of a person's functional incapacity without specifically targeting the cause.

The GG [2021] WASAT 133 decision successfully reconciled the differing views from the Ms G and KRM cases, offering a balanced interpretation of the third criterion in section 43(1)(b)(iii). By focusing on functional incapacity and placing the criterion within the broader context of the Act, the decision provided a more comprehensive understanding of the meaning and application of this criterion in guardianship cases.

Key take-aways

  • Section 43 of the Guardianship and Administration Act plays a critical role in determining whether a guardianship order should be made for a person who needs assistance in their personal affairs.

  • Understanding the construction and application of this section is essential for guardianship lawyers and individuals involved in guardianship matters.

  • By examining the GG [2021] WASAT 133 decision, we gain valuable insight into the interpretation and application of section 43(1)(b) and the criteria that must be satisfied before a guardians


Understanding Guardianship Matters: Assessing Evidence and Criteria in Western Australia

Perth Lawyer Richard Graham

Guardianship matters can be complex and require a deep understanding of the legal framework in place.

In this blog post, I explore how the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) of Western Australia assesses evidence and applies criteria in guardianship matters.

I rely on extracts from the decision MH [2022] WASAT 74 to provide a general overview and illustrate how evidence from witnesses is assessed in such cases.

Legislation and Application

Guardianship matters in Western Australia are governed by the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) (GA Act).

Under section 17A(1) of the GA Act, a person may apply for a review of a decision made by the SAT concerning guardianship orders.

Criteria Used by the Tribunal

In the case of MH [2022] WASAT 74, the SAT considered various criteria to determine whether a person is in need of a guardian.

According to the decision, these criteria included the person's capability to look after their own health and safety, their ability to make reasonable judgments in respect of matters relating to their person, and whether they were in need of oversight, care, or control in the interests of their own health and safety[4].

Assessing Evidence from Witnesses

The SAT follows a thorough process in assessing evidence and evaluating the credibility of witnesses.

In the MH [2022] WASAT 74 case, several witnesses provided testimony, and the Tribunal assessed their credibility based on factors such as:

  1. Clarity, confidence, and forthrightness in their statements [31].

  2. The scope and depth of their testimony [31].

  3. Their qualifications and expertise in the subject matter, if relevant [35].

  4. The presence of any personal interests or biases that may affect the credibility of their testimony [33].

  5. The extent to which their testimony aligns with other evidence presented in the case [34].

In this case, the Tribunal carefully evaluated each witness's testimony, considering both factual information and expert opinions.

The SAT acknowledged the limitations of some witnesses' statements and took into account their qualifications and expertise when evaluating their opinions [35].

Furthermore, the Tribunal considered any potential personal interests or biases that could affect the witnesses' credibility [33].

Outcome and Guardianship Order

After assessing all the evidence and witness testimonies, the SAT in MH [2022] WASAT 74 concluded that the person met the necessary criteria outlined in the GA Act and appointed a limited guardian with specific functions [4].

The Tribunal also set a review period to ensure the ongoing suitability of the guardianship order [4].

Key Take-Aways

  • Understanding how the SAT assesses evidence and applies criteria in guardianship matters is essential for navigating this complex area of law.

  • By examining relevant legislation and case law, such as the MH [2022] WASAT 74 decision, legal professionals and individuals involved in guardianship matters can gain valuable insights into how the Tribunal evaluates evidence from witnesses and makes decisions in these cases.


Can Represented Persons Appoint Agents to Access Information Under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA)?

In a recent Western Australian case, NE [2023] WASAT 30, the question arose as to whether a represented person, under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) (GA Act), could appoint an agent to access information on their behalf.

This blog post explores the issues surrounding the appointment of agents by represented persons, particularly in relation to the provision of information.

Appointment of Agents by Represented Persons

The case involved the question of whether s 77 of the GA Act permitted a represented person to appoint an agent to access information related to their estate. NE, the represented person, had signed an agency authority appointing two individuals as her authorized agents to access and inspect certain documents concerning her estate, including court orders and financial records held by the Public Trustee.

Section 77 of the GA Act

Section 77 of the GA Act provides that a person who has been declared in need of an administrator for their estate is incapable of entering into any contract, making any disposition in respect of their estate, or appointing or conferring any power on an agent or attorney in respect thereof, except to the extent that the administrator, with the consent of the Tribunal, authorizes them to do so.

The Tribunal's Decision

The Tribunal found that NE lacked the legal capacity to give an agency authority, as a declaration had been made under s 64(1) of the GA Act, and an administration order was in force in respect of her estate.

The Tribunal concluded that the appointment of an agent to receive information under s 47 of the PT Act was prevented by s 77 of the GA Act.

The Tribunal also noted that the GA Act's provisions reinforced the authority of the plenary administrator to deal with the represented person's estate during the currency of the administration order, to the exclusion of others, including the represented person. In this case, the Public Trustee held plenary authority and could perform any function in relation to NE's estate that she herself could perform if of full legal capacity.

Provision of Information to Purported Agents

The Tribunal emphasised that the GA Act contained confidentiality and other provisions which strictly controlled the release and use of information regarding represented persons.

The Tribunal noted that s 113 of the GA Act prohibited the disclosure of personal information relating to a represented person, except in certain authorized circumstances.

In this case, the Tribunal found that the purported agents were not entitled to the documents sought, as they were not within the category of persons to whom information could be given pursuant to s 47(3) of the PT Act. The Public Trustee, therefore, did not accept the agency authority which NE had executed.

Key take-aways

  • The Tribunal's decision in NE [2023] WASAT 30 highlights the limitations on the ability of represented persons to appoint agents under the GA Act.

  • Specifically, the case demonstrates that a represented person who is subject to an administration order lacks the legal capacity to appoint an agent to access information related to their estate.

  • This serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding and adhering to the provisions of the GA Act and other relevant legislation when dealing with represented persons and their estates.


Can a Represented Person Appoint an Agent under Section 77 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA)?

Perth Lawyer Richard Graham

One question that has arisen in the guardianship and administration law context in Western Australia is whether a represented person can appoint an agent under Section 77 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) (GA Act).

In this blog post, I explore this issue, focusing on the recent decision of NE [2023] WASAT 30 and the relevant legislative provisions.


In the case of NE [2023] WASAT 30, the applicants sought to be appointed as agents for NE under Section 47 of the Public Trustee Act 1941 (PT Act).

However, the Public Trustee did not acknowledge them as agents of NE, citing Section 77 of the GA Act, which concerns the capacity of a represented person to appoint an agent.

Section 77 of the GA Act

Section 77(1) of the GA Act provides that a represented person is incapable of entering into any contract or making any disposition in respect of their estate or any part thereof or interest therein, or appointing or conferring any power on an agent or attorney in respect thereof, except to the extent that the administrator, with the consent of the Tribunal, in writing authorises them to do so.

In NE [2023] WASAT 30, the Tribunal found that following the declaration made under Section 64(1) of the GA Act, Section 77 of the GA Act prevented NE from dealing with her estate by entering any contract or making any disposition or appointing or conferring any power on an agent without the authority of the administrator and the consent of the Tribunal.

The applicants argued that the words 'in respect thereof' in Section 77(1)(b) of the GA Act limited the prohibition on the appointment of an agent by a represented person to matters relating to contracts or dispositions from the estate of the represented person.

The Tribunal disagreed with this interpretation, finding that a plain reading of Section 77(1)(b) of the GA Act referred to the estate of the represented person, having regard to the preceding words in Section 77(1)(a) of the GA Act.


The decision in NE [2023] WASAT 30 confirms that a represented person cannot appoint an agent under Section 77 of the GA Act without the authority of the administrator and the consent of the Tribunal.

This interpretation is consistent with the broader legislative framework of the GA Act, which aims to provide certainty as to who has authority and control over the estate of a person found to be lacking capacity.

Key take-aways

  • Based on the decision in NE [2023] WASAT 30 and the relevant provisions of the GA Act, a represented person in Western Australia cannot appoint an agent without the authority of the administrator and the consent of the Tribunal.

  • It is important for guardianship lawyers and represented persons to be aware of these legislative provisions to ensure that they are acting in accordance with the law.


Understanding Conflicts of Interest in Enduring Powers of Attorney in Western Australia

Perth Lawyer Richard Graham

An enduring power of attorney (EPA) allows a person to appoint someone to make financial and property decisions on their behalf, even if they lose capacity (although it must only be executed before the donor has lost the capacity to make an EPA).

In Western Australia, the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (the GA Act) regulates EPAs.

This article explores the concept of conflicts of interest in the context of EPAs, drawing on the Western Australian State Administrative Tribunal decision ET [2021] WASAT 36 as an example.

Establishing an Enduring Power of Attorney

An EPA is created and regulated by the GA Act in Western Australia. It allows the donor to grant the donee the authority to make decisions on their behalf.

The power can be general, allowing the donee to make any decision the donor could, or limited to specific acts (KS [2008] WASAT 29) (KS). The EPA remains valid even if the donor loses capacity (ET [2021] WASAT 36, [240]).

Conflicts of Interest and the Duty of Attorneys

An attorney acting under an EPA has a duty to act in the best interests of the donor.

The GA Act obliges the attorney to exercise their power with reasonable diligence to protect the interests of the donor (GA Act, s 107(1)).

If the attorney fails to do so, they may be liable for any loss caused by their failure (ET [2021] WASAT 36, [242]).

A conflict of interest can arise if an attorney prefers their own interests over the donor's interests.

In Tobin v Broadbent (1947) 75 CLR 378, Dixon J stated that a power of attorney should not be construed as authorizing the attorney to deal with the donor's property for the attorney's own benefit, unless there is specific and unambiguous authorization (ET [2021] WASAT 36, [52]).

ET [2021] WASAT 36 Case Example

In this case, ET had executed an EPA in 2018 and had not revoked it before losing capacity (ET [2021] WASAT 36, [239]).

A conflict arose between the attorneys and ET's family members, leading to accusations of impropriety and overcharging by one of the attorneys, CR (ET [2021] WASAT 36, [246]).

The Tribunal ultimately found that despite some extreme actions and language, CR had acted with genuine concern for ET's best interests and had maintained a constant and earnest approach to his role (ET [2021] WASAT 36, [260]).

The Tribunal decided not to appoint an administrator for ET's estate, as it was in her best interests for the current attorneys to continue managing her affairs, with support from her enduring guardian (ET [2021] WASAT 36, [258], [262], [268]).

Key take-aways

  • Conflicts of interest can arise in the context of an EPA, and attorneys have a duty to act in the best interests of the donor.

  • The ET [2021] WASAT 36 case illustrates the importance of attorneys acting with reasonable diligence and considering the donor's interests above their own.

  • Attorneys should be mindful of potential conflicts of interest and ensure they are acting in accordance with their legal obligations under the GA Act.


Can the Tribunal Grant an Administrator the Power to Make a Binding Death Benefit Nomination (BDBN)?

Perth Guardianship Lawyer Richard Graham

As a guardianship lawyer in Western Australia, I often receive questions regarding the powers and functions of administrators.

One issue that arises is whether a tribunal has the power to grant an administrator the authority to make a binding death benefit nomination (BDBN).

In this blog post, I explore this question, drawing on the decision in SM [2019] WASAT 22 and relevant legislation.


In the SM case, an individual (SM) was injured in a motor vehicle accident and later received compensation of $5,745,933, held in trust by Australian Executor Trustees Limited (AET).

The tribunal appointed AET as the administrator of SM's estate with the sole function to pay a portion of the funds into superannuation for the benefit of SM.

AET sought an additional function to make and renew BDBNs for any superannuation fund of which SM was a member.

Relevant Legislation:

The Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) (the Act) governs the powers and functions of administrators. Section 69(2) of the Act permits an administrator to do only those things necessary for the performance of the functions invested in him or her.


The purpose of an administration order is for the conservation of a person's estate during their lifetime for their own advantage and benefit, but does not extend to the conservation and preservation of their estate after death, when the person has ceased to have any needs [89].

A BDBN is solely for the purpose of enabling transmission on a person's death of their superannuation benefit [90]. An administrator's authority ends upon a person's death [91], as does their duty and obligation to the person subject to the administration order.

In the SM case, the Tribunal found that making a BDBN is not for the purpose of carrying out an administrator's purpose, namely the conservation of the estate of a person under an administration order for their own advantage and benefit [92].

Consequently, the Tribunal concluded that it does not have the power to grant the additional function of making a BDBN to a limited or plenary administrator.


  • Based on the SM [2019] WASAT 22 decision and the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA), it appears that a tribunal does not have the power to grant an administrator the authority to make a BDBN.

  • This is because the primary purpose of an administrator is to manage the person's estate during their lifetime, and their authority does not extend beyond the person's death.


Factors Relevant to Determining Whether a Person with a Mental Disability is Unable to Make Reasonable Judgments in Respect of Their Estate

Perth Lawyer Richard Graham

When determining whether an individual with a mental disability is unable to make reasonable judgments in respect of matters relating to their estate, the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) ("GA Act") sets out specific criteria that must be satisfied.

This blog post discusses these factors, drawing from the case Re RK [2021] WASAT 13, and examines how they can be applied in practice.

1. The Mental Disability Requirement

Section 64(1)(a) of the GA Act requires that a person be "unable, by reason of a mental disability, to make reasonable judgments in respect of matters relating to all or any part of his estate".

This means that the person must have a mental disability, and their inability to make reasonable judgments must arise because of that mental disability.

In Re RK, the Tribunal found that RK had a mental disability, and that this was the cause of his inability to make reasonable judgments in respect of his estate.

2. Subjective and Objective Tests

The application of Section 64(1)(a) involves both subjective and objective tests.

The subjective test requires assessing the person's ability to make reasonable judgments in relation to their actual estate.

The objective test, on the other hand, considers whether the person has the ability to engage in the mental reasoning required to make such judgments.

3. Factors Affecting a Person's Ability to Make Reasonable Judgments

A person's ability to make reasonable judgments in respect of their estate may depend on a variety of factors, such as their health and mental health.

Ultimately, an individual must have the intellectual ability necessary to make decisions related to their estate.

This includes the ability to:

- Understand the need for and sources of income

- Comprehend the value of income relative to expenditures

- Identify and calculate necessary expenditures for daily living and long-term financial objectives

- Devise a budget to live within their means

- Assess the financial implications of various decisions and contracts

- Organize their affairs to meet debts as they fall due

- Identify and implement problem-solving strategies for resolving unexpected financial issues

4. Estate Definition

In the context of the GA Act, a person's "estate" refers to the aggregate of their property, assets, and liabilities.

This encompasses the entirety of their real and personal property and all financial affairs.

5. Causation

The phrase "by reason of" in Section 64(1)(a) of the GA Act implies a relationship of cause and effect between a mental disability and a person's inability to make reasonable judgments in respect of their estate.

In Re RK, the Tribunal found that RK's mental disability was the cause of his inability to make reasonable judgments, although he was still able to make occasional decisions regarding simple discretionary expenditure.

Key take-away

  • When assessing whether a person with a mental disability is unable to make reasonable judgments in respect of their estate, it is crucial to consider the relevant factors as set out in the GA Act and case law such as Re RK.


Understanding Sterilisation Procedures and Best Interests in Guardianship Matters

Perth Guardianship Lawyer - Richard Graham

Sterilisation is a significant and often irreversible medical procedure that can have life-altering consequences for the person involved.

In guardianship matters, it is crucial to ensure that any decision to authorise a sterilisation procedure is made in the best interests of the person concerned.

In this blog post, I examine the factors that are relevant in determining whether a sterilisation procedure is in a person's best interests, with reference to the Western Australian case of EW v CD [2021] WASAT 111 and the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) (the GA Act).

Statutory Framework

The GA Act governs the authority of guardians in relation to medical treatment for represented persons, including sterilisation procedures (s 13).

Guardians may be authorised to make decisions on behalf of a represented person regarding medical treatment, but the GA Act specifically prohibits a guardian from consenting to the sterilisation of a represented person except in accordance with Division 3 of Part 5 of the Act (s 13).

Importantly, the GA Act does not define the term "sterilisation" but does provide a definition for "procedure for the sterilisation" (s 15).

The GA Act strictly regulates the circumstances in which the sterilisation of a represented person may take place, including requiring the consent of both the guardian and the Tribunal, and ensuring that all rights of appeal have been exhausted (s 17).

Best Interests

The key consideration in determining whether a sterilisation procedure is appropriate is whether it is in the person's best interests (s 22).

The GA Act does not provide a specific definition of "best interests", but s 51(2) offers guidance on how a guardian should act in the best interests of a represented person, including considerations such as community participation, self-care, protection from neglect or abuse, and the maintenance of supportive relationships and cultural environments.

In the case of EW v CD [2021] WASAT 111, the Tribunal considered the principles set out in Re Jane, which identified nine factors relevant to determining whether a sterilisation procedure was in the best interests of a person (para 25).

These factors include:

  1. The possibility of the person becoming pregnant;

  2. The potential for trauma or psychological damage from pregnancy or sterilisation;

  3. The likelihood of voluntary sexual activity or rape;

  4. The person's ability to understand reproduction or contraception and the likely permanence of that inability;

  5. The feasibility of less drastic means of contraception;

  6. The advisability of sterilisation at the time of the application rather than in the future;

  7. The person's ability to care for a child;

  8. The potential for medical or scientific advances that may improve the person's condition or offer less drastic sterilisation procedures; and

  9. Evidence that the proponents of sterilisation are genuinely seeking the best interests of the person, rather than their own or the public's convenience.

Key take-aways

  • In guardianship matters, the decision to authorise a sterilisation procedure must always be made with the best interests of the person in mind.

  • A careful and thorough consideration of the relevant factors outlined in Re Jane, as well as the specific circumstances of the individual case, is crucial in determining whether a sterilisation procedure is in a person's best interests.

  • Guardians should always be mindful of these factors and the strict regulatory requirements under the GA Act when considering sterilisation procedures for represented persons.


Understanding Breaches of Undertakings in Guardianship Matters

Perth Lawyer Richard Graham

In guardianship matters, undertakings are solemn promises made to the court or tribunal that can have serious consequences if breached.

A recent decision in Western Australia highlights the importance of understanding the implications of such undertakings and the potential consequences for parties involved in these matters.

In this blog post, I discuss the significance of undertakings, particularly in guardianship matters, and provide insights into the consequences of breaching them.

The Importance of Undertakings in Guardianship Matters

Undertakings play a crucial role in legal proceedings, particularly in guardianship matters.

They serve as a means to ensure that parties act in the best interests of the person under guardianship and comply with the directions of the court or tribunal.

When an undertaking is given, it is expected that the party providing it fully understands the gravity of their commitment and the possible consequences of breaching it.

Breaching Undertakings and Contempt of Court

In the case of Dc [2021] WASAT 130, it was held that the conduct of both the father and the son was capable of constituting contempt of the Supreme Court.

This decision was based on the fact that the father had given an undertaking not to sell or otherwise deal with a particular property, and yet, he permitted the transfer of the property to his son, effectively breaching the undertaking (Dc [2021] WASAT 130, [26]-[28]).

Furthermore, the son was found to have aided and abetted his father's breach of the undertaking, which in itself constituted contempt (Dc [2021] WASAT 130, [29]-[35]).

It is essential to understand that aiding and abetting a contempt constitutes a contempt in its own right, regardless of whether the individual was directly bound by the injunction or undertaking (Seaward v Paterson, cited in Dc [2021] WASAT 130, [30]-[31]).

In this case, the Tribunal was satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the conduct of both the father and the son was capable of constituting contempt of the Supreme Court (Dc [2021] WASAT 130, [26], [29]).

Consequently, the Tribunal reported the alleged contempts to the Supreme Court for further action (Dc [2021] WASAT 130, [38]).

Key Takeaways

  • The decision in Dc [2021] WASAT 130 serves as a reminder that undertakings given in guardianship matters are not to be taken lightly.

  • Breaching an undertaking can have severe consequences, including being held in contempt of court. It is crucial for all parties involved in a guardianship matter to understand the undertakings they provide and their obligations under the relevant legislation, such as the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 (WA).

If you have any concerns or questions about your obligations in a guardianship matter, it is advisable to seek professional legal advice from a qualified guardianship lawyer.

I can guide you through the process and help you navigate the complexities of guardianship law to ensure that you fulfil your legal obligations and act in the best interests of the person under guardianship.

You can contact me here.


Rebutting the Presumption of Capacity in Guardianship Matters

Perth Guardianship Lawyer Richard Graham

As a guardianship lawyer in Western Australia, I often receive questions about the concept of capacity and the process of proving that an individual lacks decision-making capacity in guardianship and administration matters.

In this blog post, I will explore the statutory presumption of capacity, and what is necessary to rebut this presumption in light of the decision in MH [2022] WASAT 74.

Statutory Presumption of Capacity

The Guardianship and Administration Act (the GA Act) establishes a fundamental principle: the statutory presumption of capacity.

This presumption serves to protect individuals who are the subject of proceedings under the GA Act from having their decision-making capacity removed and a substitute decision-maker appointed for them without clear and cogent evidence.

As stated in MH [2022] WASAT 74 at [130], the statutory presumption of capacity is the starting point in any application under the GA Act where the decision-making capacity of a person is in issue.

It is important to note that a person who is the subject of an application for guardianship or administration orders does not need to prove that they have decision-making capacity.

The Tribunal starts from the position that the person has capacity (by virtue of the statutory presumption).

Rebutting the Presumption of Capacity

In order to rebut the statutory presumption of capacity, clear and cogent evidence is required (MH [2022] WASAT 74 at [131]).

The evidence must be sufficient to satisfy the Tribunal that the person lacks the relevant decision-making capacity.

The standard of proof applied by the Tribunal is the civil standard (balance of probabilities).

However, due to the significant consequences of a finding that a person does not have decision-making capacity, clear and cogent evidence is required to establish the facts on which that conclusion depends.

In the case of MH [2022] WASAT 74, the Tribunal found at [132] that the medical evidence, together with the evidence of other witnesses, was sufficient to displace the presumption in the GA Act that Mrs MH was capable of looking after her own health and safety and making reasonable judgments in respect of matters relating to her person.

Consequently, the Tribunal found that Mrs MH was incapable of looking after her own health and safety and unable to make reasonable judgments in respect of matters relating to her person (at [133]).

This finding led the Tribunal to conclude that Mrs MH was in need of oversight, care, or control in the interests of her own health and safety (at [134]).

Key take-aways

  • The statutory presumption of capacity is a fundamental principle under the GA Act, and serves to protect individuals from having their decision-making capacity removed without sufficient evidence.

  • To rebut this presumption, clear and cogent evidence must be provided to satisfy the Tribunal that the person lacks decision-making capacity.

  • The decision in MH [2022] WASAT 74 serves as a useful illustration of how this process works in practice. I

  • If you have any questions or concerns about capacity and guardianship matters, please do not hesitate to contact me.
